Applications for co-sponsorship of events are accepted on an ongoing basis. Amounts for co-sponsorship range between $50-$400, and generally do not exceed the contribution of the event’s main sponsor or half of the overall budget. The Arts Research Institute provides limited funding to co-sponsor arts-focused campus events during the academic year; such events can include visiting artists, lectures, symposia, exhibitions, performances, and academic conferences. Individual faculty members, graduate students, departments, programs, and centers in the arts, humanities, and humanistic social sciences are eligible to apply. Cosponsored events should be open to the public and of interest to faculty and students from a number of disciplines. Information on co-sponsored events will be included in ARI communications.
Applications should be submitted by email to ARI Executive Director, Holly Unruh with at least two weeks advance notice. There are no deadlines; requests are reviewed as submitted. No retroactive funding is permitted.