Faculty Release Time Fellowship

Faculty Release Time Fellowship

ARI Research Fellowships provide faculty in the Arts Division with one course replacement in order to pursue their research. Award recipients will be designated ARI Fellows and are required to deliver a public lecture or hold a seminar on a topic related to their research during their tenure as fellows.

ARI Research Fellowships provide faculty in the Arts Division with one course replacement in order to pursue their research. Award recipients will be designated ARI Fellows and are required to deliver a public lecture or hold a seminar on a topic related to their research during their tenure as fellows. The award does not provide for release from summer teaching, nor does it provide a salary supplement. It will be calculated as a replacement cost for one course, and awarded funds must be expended within twelve months of the announcement of the award. Faculty may receive this award once every five years.


Evaluation Criteria
The project description should:

  • state the objectives, ideas, and methodology of the project
  • discuss the project's significance and originality with reference to current scholarship and/or arts practice
  • specify the interdisciplinary scope of the project, if appropriate 
  • include a timetable and work plan
  • define the project's target audience(s) and the form(s) in which the research will eventually disseminated (e.g. book, article, art exhibit, performance, etc.)

Other Requirements

  • Applicants for ARI funding must have applied for COR funding.
  • Late or incomplete applications will not be forwarded to the committee. 
  • Funding will not be carried over after the one year limit (18 months for awards made in the Fall). Any unspent funds will automatically revert to the ARI.​


Grant Timeline:

  • Fall Application Deadline: November 15, Annually
    • Individuals will be informed about funding in late December and ​grants commence January 1
  • Spring Application Deadline: April 15, Annually
    • Individuals will be informed about funding in late May and ​grants commence July 1

Apply here.