All Arts Division faculty who would like assistance with research project development, proposal writing, and searching for funding opportunities are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this rich set of resources and services.
Research Development workshops are offered jointly with the Office of Research Development and The Humanities Institute throughout the year.
Research Development office hours: UCSC administrative funding structures can be challenging to navigate. To simplify the process for faculty in the Arts and Humanities, we have organized weekly Research Development Office hours (Mondays 10:30-11:30) with:
Hannah Jasper, Research Development Analyst, ARI
Heather Bell, Director, Office of Research Development
Irena Polic, Managing Director, The Humanities Institute
Caroline Rodriguez, Associate Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations
Holly Unruh, Executive Director, Arts Research Institute
Please fill out this form and sign up for a Google calendar time slot here.
Questions? Please email Hannah Jasper @
We look forward to meeting with you!
Research Development services include:
Hannah Jasper, Arts Research Development Analyst, provides individual and group consultations on all aspects of project development, funding searches, and proposal writing. Hannah Jasper can be reached at
Fellowships rarely cover a faculty member’s full salary, so the division has a policy that combines the fellowship with a contribution of sabbatical credits and a divisional “top-up” contribution to enable the faculty member to have a full-time research leave during the period of the fellowship.
For details, download this pdf: full policy guidelines.